Victoria Elliott

Re.Direct Team Leader (400+Students)

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Hi I'm Victoria

Your Success Manager and Digital Marketer

After spending 10 years as a stay at home mom and then another 8 years trying to find the right job that fit my life style, I found The Roadmap and turn my life around with navigating the Digital Marketing Business.

Hey, I'm Victoria—a proud mom of two and a fortunate wife nestled in a quaint town in southern Ontario. After a decade as a stay-at-home mom, reentering the workforce brought challenges—limited experience, low pay, and tough schedules. Then, digital marketing came into my life, transforming everything. Now, I'm my own boss, shaping my work from my kitchen table. My passion? Guiding moms through similar challenges, offering coaching and teaching to kickstart their journey towards independence and flexibility. As a published author and average seller of the roadmap, I'm here to share my insights and help you carve your path.

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Vicki's Blog's

Setting 4 Priorities Goals

Setting 4 Priorities Goals

September 03, 20247 min read

You Want to Have a Successful Business???

Do this one thing and watch it grow

Set four goals every day🔻

Emergency Goal

Is a task that requires your immediate attention because it’s critical to your business's daily operations. These are the things that simply cannot wait until tomorrow, as delaying them could lead to significant issues, such as lost revenue, unhappy clients, or missed opportunities.

For example, an emergency goal might involve:

Responding to a critical client issue: If a key client has a problem that could lead to losing their business, resolving their concern quickly is essential to maintaining that relationship.

Addressing a financial matter: If there’s a payment that must be made today to avoid late fees or penalties, this would be an emergency goal. Ignoring it could damage your credit or business reputation.

Handling a technical issue: If your website is down, or a crucial system isn’t working, fixing it immediately is critical to prevent downtime, which could affect sales or customer experience.

The key aspect of an emergency goal is that it’s time-sensitive and carries serious consequences if not completed promptly. Identifying and tackling these tasks first ensures that you’re managing the most urgent aspects of your business, preventing small issues from turning into bigger problems.

By focusing on emergency goals as soon as they arise, you protect your business from immediate risks and keep things running smoothly.

Priority 1

Task is an important action that, while not as immediately pressing as an emergency goal, still needs to be completed by the end of the day to keep your business on track. These tasks are essential for maintaining momentum and ensuring that your business progresses steadily toward its goals.

For example, a Priority 1 task might include:

Completing a client proposal: If you need to submit a proposal to a potential client today to keep the project moving forward, it’s a high-priority task. While the client may not need it immediately, delivering it on time shows professionalism and keeps you in the running for the business.

Finishing a key piece of work: Whether it’s creating content, finalizing a product design, or preparing for a presentation, completing these tasks by day’s end ensures you stay on schedule with your business plans.

Following up on leads or networking contacts: If you met potential partners or clients recently, following up within a day can be crucial to turning those connections into opportunities. Waiting too long could mean missing out on potential deals or collaborations.

Priority 1 tasks are vital because they keep your business moving forward. If they’re not done by the end of the day, they can pile up, leading to a backlog of work that could slow down your progress. These tasks often lay the groundwork for future success, so while they might not have the immediate consequences of an emergency goal, they are still crucial for the long-term health of your business.

By consistently completing your Priority 1 tasks each day, you ensure that your business remains organized, efficient, and ready to tackle bigger challenges.


Priority 2

Task is a goal that you need to accomplish by the end of the week. While it doesn’t demand immediate action today, it’s still crucial to your business’s progress and requires ongoing attention throughout the week.

These tasks often involve more complex projects or objectives that can’t be completed in a single day but are essential for your business’s growth and success. By breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps, you can steadily work on them each day to ensure they’re finished by the week’s end.

For example, a Priority 2 task might include:

Developing a marketing plan: Creating a comprehensive marketing strategy might involve research, brainstorming, content creation, and scheduling. By working on different aspects each day, you can complete the plan by the end of the week.

Updating your website or product: If your website needs a refresh or your product requires an update, this might take several days of focused work. Each day, you could tackle different elements, such as design changes, content updates, or testing, to ensure it’s ready by the end of the week.

Preparing for an upcoming meeting or presentation: If you have a critical meeting or presentation scheduled for the following week, you’ll need to spend time each day preparing materials, practicing your pitch, and organizing your thoughts to be fully ready when the time comes.

Priority 2 tasks are important because they help you make progress on larger goals that require more time and effort. By consistently working on these tasks throughout the week, you avoid last-minute rushes and ensure that your projects are completed with the attention to detail they deserve.

Completing your Priority 2 tasks by the end of the week keeps you on track with your broader business objectives. It also frees up your time and mental energy to focus on new priorities in the following week, helping you maintain a steady pace of growth and achievement in your business.

Priority 3

Task is a goal that you aim to complete by the end of the month. While it’s not as urgent as your daily or weekly tasks, it plays a crucial role in your business’s long-term growth and success. These tasks are typically part of larger projects or strategic initiatives that require sustained effort over time.

Because Priority 3 tasks have a longer timeline, they can often be overlooked or pushed aside in favor of more immediate concerns. However, consistently dedicating time to them each day or week is essential to ensure they don’t fall by the wayside. Breaking these tasks down into smaller, actionable steps allows you to make steady progress without feeling overwhelmed.

For example, a Priority 3 task might include:

Launching a new product or service: Bringing a new product to market involves several stages, such as research, development, marketing, and sales planning. By working on each phase gradually, you can stay on schedule and ensure a successful launch by the end of the month.

Building a new partnership or collaboration: Establishing a meaningful partnership with another business might require ongoing communication, negotiations, and planning. Consistently working on this relationship throughout the month will help solidify the collaboration and lead to mutual growth.

Improving your business processes: If you want to streamline operations or implement new tools to increase efficiency, this often requires careful planning, testing, and training. By dedicating time each week to refining these processes, you’ll enhance your business’s productivity over the long term.

Priority 3 tasks are key to driving your business forward in significant ways. They often involve initiatives that will position your business for future success, whether by expanding your offerings, improving operations, or establishing valuable relationships.

By breaking these monthly goals into manageable steps and regularly working on them, you ensure that you’re not just keeping up with day-to-day demands but also building a strong foundation for future growth. Consistent progress on Priority 3 tasks helps you achieve your long-term objectives, making sure that your business is continually evolving and improving.

So How did I learn all this? By being coach by one of the best business coaches in the USA to date. How can you be coached by the same person for free?? By joining Redirect Leadership program. How do you join Redirect or get more information on Redirect by clicking Here.

You can also get more information by contacting me via email or check out my website below

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In conclusion, by setting and prioritizing your goals into Emergency, Priority 1, Priority 2, and Priority 3 categories, you create a structured approach to managing your business. This method ensures that urgent tasks are handled immediately, important daily objectives are met, and both weekly and monthly goals are steadily pursued. This balance allows you to manage the demands of the present while also laying the groundwork for future success.

By consistently following this strategy, you’ll not only see tangible growth in your business, but also in your ability to manage and lead effectively. It’s a powerful way to stay focused, organized, and motivated, helping you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and move your business toward its full potential.

Online BusinessAffiliate MarketingDigital MarketingGoalsSmall Business OwnerTime FreedomMake Money Online B2BBusiness to Business SAASOnline Business Owner RedirectEmail Marketing Marketing Online Marketing Network Marketing Automations Sales MarketingSales Online Sales Software
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Victoria Elliott

Success Manger with Redirect Mother of two and wife. 200+Clients. Helping others make recurring revenue passively so you can enjoy life. Join my successful team today

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