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Re.direct With Vicki

Success Manager for Re.Direct (180+Students)

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Passively so you can enjoy life

Hi I'm Victoria

Your Re.direct Success Manager and Digital Marketer

After spending 10 years as a stay at home mom and then another 8 years trying to find the right job that fit my life style, I found The Roadmap and turn my life around with navigating the Digital Marketing Business.

Hey, I'm Victoria—a proud mom of two and a fortunate wife nestled in a quaint town in southern Ontario. After a decade as a stay-at-home mom, reentering the workforce brought challenges—limited experience, low pay, and tough schedules. Then, digital marketing came into my life, transforming everything. Now, I'm my own boss, shaping my work from my kitchen table. My passion? Guiding moms through similar challenges, offering coaching and teaching to kickstart their journey towards independence and flexibility. As a published author and average seller of the roadmap, I'm here to share my insights and help you carve your path.

After a very long year of trying to find my way in this digital world I have found the secret sauce to making money online. I went from having no sales to making multiple sales a day and over 220 sales in less then two month. When you join my team I will personally show you all my secrets.

Vicki's Blog's

From Dread to Delight: Turn Mondays into Your New Favorite Day of the Week

From Dread to Delight: Turn Mondays into Your New Favourite Day of the Week

July 29, 20244 min read

Overcoming the Monday Blues: Embrace the Week with a Smile

Ah, Monday. For many, it feels like the most challenging day of the week. The transition from the freedom of the weekend to the structure of the workweek can be jarring. But why does Monday carry such a heavy weight, and how can we make it a day we look forward to rather than dread?

Why Do Mondays Feel So Tough?

The Transition Effect: The weekend is a break from our usual routine, a time to relax and do what we enjoy. On Sunday night, we often face the stark reality of Monday’s approach, which can trigger anxiety and stress. It’s not just about leaving the weekend behind but also about shifting back into work mode.

High Expectations and Stress: Monday often symbolizes a fresh start and new goals, but it can also come with high expectations and an overloaded schedule. The pressure to hit the ground running can add to the Monday Blues.

Social Comparison: We often see social media posts highlighting weekend fun or productivity, which can make Monday feel like a letdown in comparison. It’s easy to feel like you're not measuring up to others' weekend experiences.

How to Shift Your Monday Mood

Prepare on Friday: Take some time on Friday to plan your upcoming week. A well-organized schedule can ease the transition and reduce Monday morning stress. Having a to-do list ready can make your Monday feel more manageable and less overwhelming.

Start with a Positive Routine: Begin your Monday with something you enjoy. Whether it’s a favorite breakfast, a short workout, or a few minutes of meditation, starting the day on a positive note can set the tone for the rest of the week.

Set Small, Achievable Goals: Instead of looking at Monday as a mountain of tasks, break down your goals into smaller, manageable chunks. Celebrate completing these small tasks to keep your motivation high.

Plan Something Fun: Having something to look forward to can make Monday feel less daunting. Plan a lunch date with a friend or a small treat for yourself after work. Anticipation can help shift your focus from the gloom of Monday to the joy of the upcoming activity.

Shift Your Perspective: Change your mindset about Monday. Instead of viewing it as the end of the weekend, see it as a fresh start and an opportunity to set new goals. Embrace Monday as a chance to begin anew and tackle challenges with a positive attitude.

Overcoming the Fear of Mondays

Recognize and Address Stressors: Identify what specifically makes you anxious about Mondays. It could be a particularly challenging task or a difficult meeting. Address these stressors head-on by seeking solutions or discussing them with your manager or colleagues.

Foster a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with positive influences at work. Engage with colleagues who uplift you and create a supportive work environment. Sometimes, a little encouragement can make a big difference.

Practice Self-Care: Ensure you’re taking care of yourself throughout the week. Good sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise can make Monday mornings easier to handle. Self-care isn’t just for weekends; it’s essential every day.

This is what I did to make better Monday's

I used to be that person too—fearful of the week ahead, stressed about deadlines, and anxious about job security. But now, every day feels like Friday! I made a change. I broke free from the chains of a crummy boss and constant worries. Now, I manage my own time, live my dreams, and feel like I’m in early retirement. How did I do it? I listened to my heart, took a chance, and never gave up until I found what worked for me. Now, I’m successful and living a life I love. And I want to help you do the same. If you’re ready to break free from negativity, build a business, and live a happier lifestyle, email me today. Don’t wait—let’s chat and make it happen together!

Look no further I have a solution for you

Learn everything I did to get to where I'm today. I will show you how to create a business that allows you to feel those Mondays as if the were Fridays. Are you ready to change your life?? Are you ready for a lifestyle you thought you could only dream about?? Let me guide you.

Click here to Start




Remember, the Monday Blues are a common experience, but they don’t have to dictate your week. By preparing in advance, starting your day positively, and changing your perspective, you can transform Mondays from a day of dread into a day of opportunity. Embrace the week with a smile and set yourself up for a successful, productive week ahead!
small business owner digital marketing blue mondays lifestyle business owner online business marketing affiliate marketing change lifestyle change dream big mom life dad life corporate life more income job loss job search job seeking
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Victoria Elliott

Success Manger with Redirect Mother of two and wife. 200+Clients. Helping others make recurring revenue passively so you can enjoy life. Join my successful team today

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