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Re.direct With Vicki

Success Manager for Re.Direct (180+Students)

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Passively so you can enjoy life

Hi I'm Victoria

Your Re.direct Success Manager and Digital Marketer

After spending 10 years as a stay at home mom and then another 8 years trying to find the right job that fit my life style, I found The Roadmap and turn my life around with navigating the Digital Marketing Business.

Hey, I'm Victoria—a proud mom of two and a fortunate wife nestled in a quaint town in southern Ontario. After a decade as a stay-at-home mom, reentering the workforce brought challenges—limited experience, low pay, and tough schedules. Then, digital marketing came into my life, transforming everything. Now, I'm my own boss, shaping my work from my kitchen table. My passion? Guiding moms through similar challenges, offering coaching and teaching to kickstart their journey towards independence and flexibility. As a published author and average seller of the roadmap, I'm here to share my insights and help you carve your path.

After a very long year of trying to find my way in this digital world I have found the secret sauce to making money online. I went from having no sales to making multiple sales a day and over 220 sales in less then two month. When you join my team I will personally show you all my secrets.

Vicki's Blog's

Its Easier to Stay Then to Move on

Its Easier to Stay Then to Move On

August 14, 20244 min read

I know you're navigating through a rough patch right now, and I want you to know that you’re not alone in this journey. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and to question if it’s worth it to push through. The truth is, it’s often easier to stay where we are, even if it’s not where we truly want to be. It’s a place we know, a place where the discomfort, while significant, is familiar. But that familiarity can sometimes be a cage that keeps us from reaching our true potential.

Imagine your life as a vast, open landscape. Right now, you might be standing in a small, crowded room that feels a bit too tight. The walls might be closing in, and the ceiling might seem too low. It’s not where you want to be, but it’s what you know. Moving beyond those walls can feel daunting. What’s on the other side? What if it’s worse? What if it’s too risky?

Your success is with in you

These questions are completely normal, and it’s okay to have them. But here’s something important to remember: settling for less is never the answer. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. You might make it work for a while, but it’s never going to fit perfectly. You deserve more than just making do. You deserve to find your fit, your place where you can truly thrive and be happy.

Let’s think of it in terms of settling for a moment. Think about all the amazing things you’ve envisioned for yourself—the goals, dreams, and desires that make your heart beat a little faster and your eyes light up. Now, picture what it feels like to reach those dreams. Imagine the satisfaction of living a life where you’re not just getting by, but where you’re fully alive and engaged with the world around you.

When one Door closes another opens.

I know it sounds easier said than done, but every small step you take toward your dreams is like planting seeds for your future happiness. Sometimes, these steps are tiny—like making a new connection, trying out a new hobby, or taking a class. Other times, they’re bigger—like changing jobs, moving to a new place, or making a significant life decision. No matter the size of the step, each one is a move towards a life that aligns more with who you are and what you want.

Life’s journey is like a grand adventure with many different routes and experiences. It’s filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. But these experiences, as challenging as they may be, are what shape us and help us grow. Think of every difficulty you’ve faced as a tool that’s been sharpening your skills and preparing you for what’s ahead. Each challenge has a purpose, and it’s leading you toward something greater.

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out to friends, family, or even a mentor who can support you and offer guidance. Sometimes, just having someone to talk to can make a world of difference. And never underestimate the power of your own inner strength. You’ve overcome challenges before, and you have the resilience to keep moving forward.

Now, take a moment to envision your future. What does it look like? What kind of life do you want to create? What are the things that ignite your passion and bring you joy? These are your guiding stars. Let them inspire you to keep moving, even when the path seems unclear or daunting.

Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Celebrate those wins and keep your eyes on the horizon. The future you’re striving for is worth every bit of effort and courage you put into it. You have so much to offer this world, and you deserve to live a life that reflects your true potential.

Think outside the box and always have faith in yourself

You are capable of achieving great things. The journey may be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Keep going, keep believing in yourself, and keep striving for that life you envision. The best chapters of your life are still ahead of you, waiting to be written.

You’ve got this. I believe in you, and I’m cheering you on every step of the way. Embrace the adventure and remember: you’re stronger than you know, and your future is brighter than you can imagine.

Affiliate Marketing Digital Marketing Mindset Blogging Redirect Stay at Home Mom SAHMOnline Business Online Business Owner Small Business Business Owner Make Money Online Small Business Owner Passive Income
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Victoria Elliott

Success Manger with Redirect Mother of two and wife. 200+Clients. Helping others make recurring revenue passively so you can enjoy life. Join my successful team today

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