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Re.direct With Vicki

Success Manager for Re.Direct (180+Students)

Helping you make Monthly Recurring Revenue

Passively so you can enjoy life

Hi I'm Victoria

Your Re.direct Success Manager and Digital Marketer

After spending 10 years as a stay at home mom and then another 8 years trying to find the right job that fit my life style, I found The Roadmap and turn my life around with navigating the Digital Marketing Business.

Hey, I'm Victoria—a proud mom of two and a fortunate wife nestled in a quaint town in southern Ontario. After a decade as a stay-at-home mom, reentering the workforce brought challenges—limited experience, low pay, and tough schedules. Then, digital marketing came into my life, transforming everything. Now, I'm my own boss, shaping my work from my kitchen table. My passion? Guiding moms through similar challenges, offering coaching and teaching to kickstart their journey towards independence and flexibility. As a published author and average seller of the roadmap, I'm here to share my insights and help you carve your path.

After a very long year of trying to find my way in this digital world I have found the secret sauce to making money online. I went from having no sales to making multiple sales a day and over 220 sales in less then two month. When you join my team I will personally show you all my secrets.

Vicki's Blog's

Pivot Your Life and Career: Finding Fulfillment with Redirect

Pivot Your Life and Career: Finding Fulfillment with Redirect

September 09, 20244 min read

This question might resonate with you, as it has with so many others. We often find ourselves trapped in a cycle of routine, wondering if this is all there is. The sense of fulfillment and purpose seems elusive, and the idea of change feels overwhelming. But what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be this way? What if a simple pivot could lead you to the life you’ve always dreamed of?

The Power of the Pivot

Life is full of choices, and sometimes, the path we’ve chosen isn’t the right one. That’s okay. The key is recognizing when it’s time to make a change—a pivot. Pivoting in your life or career doesn’t mean starting from scratch; it means leveraging your current skills, experiences, and passions to move in a direction that truly aligns with who you are and what you want.

How You Can Change It All

1. Acknowledge Where You Are: The first step is recognizing that you’re not where you want to be. It’s okay to feel lost or unfulfilled; these feelings are signals that something needs to change.

2. Identify What Needs to Change: Reflect on what’s causing your dissatisfaction. Is it your job? Your lifestyle? Your relationships? Pinpointing the source will help you focus your efforts on the areas that matter most.

3. Embrace the Idea of Pivoting: Understand that change is not failure; it’s growth. Embrace the idea that pivoting—whether in your career, relationships, or personal life—can lead to greater fulfillment.

4. Start Small: You don’t have to make a massive change all at once. Start with small adjustments, like exploring new hobbies, learning a new skill, or even taking on a different role at work. These small pivots can lead to more significant transformations over time.

Working from home

What You Can Do to Start

1. Set Clear Goals: Define what success looks like for you. It could be finding a new job, starting a side hustle, or simply feeling more content in your daily life.

2. Leverage Your Strengths: Take stock of your skills and experiences. How can they be applied in new ways? For example, if you’re a great communicator, maybe you could explore roles in marketing, writing, or coaching.

My Pivot: From Struggles to Success with Redirect

After recognizing that my career wasn’t fulfilling, I decided to pivot. That’s when I discovered “Redirect”—a game-changing all-in-one CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform that not only supported my pivot but also fuelled my business growth.

Redirect, Automations, Work from Home, Online business, SAAS

What is Redirect?

Redirect is more than just software; it’s an ecosystem designed to empower entrepreneurs, marketers, and business owners to thrive. Here’s what it offers:

Comprehensive CRM Platform: Redirect centralizes all your business tools, saving you time and money while streamlining your delivery processes.

Expert-Led Courses: Access a growing library of courses on business, social media, and personal growth, all taught by industry experts.

Daily Live Coaching: Learn from top-tier digital marketers and successful entrepreneurs through live coaching sessions that provide practical, actionable advice.

Automation Tools: Automate everything from social media posts and emails to webinars and sales systems, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your clients.

How Redirect Transformed My Business

Before joining Redirect, I was struggling—no sales in six months, and my business felt like it was going nowhere. But after joining the Redirect community, everything changed. The expert-led courses and daily coaching helped me refocus and realign my strategies. I learned how to automate key aspects of my business, freeing up time to concentrate on growth.

The results? In less than four months, I went from zero sales to 355 sales. My business transformed from failing to thriving, and it all started with that crucial pivot and the support of Redirect.

Where You Can Start

1. Join Redirect: Start by exploring Redirect and see how it can help you realign your life and business. The software offers tools for CRM, automation, and access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

2. Engage with the Community: Connect with other Redirect users to share insights, strategies, and support. Networking within a community of motivated individuals can accelerate your growth.

3. Take Action: Whether it’s automating your business processes or enrolling in a new course, take that first step towards change. The support and resources you need are right at your fingertips with Redirect.

Here's the thing I'm here to help. I was where you are right now. But... I never had someone helping me on the right path. So when I say I'm here I mean it. So if you're looking to make that change please contact me. There are many ways to do this. You can email me here [email protected] you can find me on Instagram here.

If you want more info on Redirect you can get it here

Until Next Time....


work from home, Redirect, small business online business business owner time freedom

Final Thoughts

Feeling lost and unfulfilled doesn’t have to be a permanent state. By pivoting your life and career, and with the right tools like Redirect, you can move towards a future that excites and fulfills you.

Remember, it’s never too late to change direction. Your purpose is out there waiting for you just need to pivot towards it.

Online BusinessAffiliate Marketing Small Business Online Business Owner SAASSoftware As A Service Digital Marketing Automations Time Freedom B2B B2CMake Money Online Pivoting Career Change Email Marketing Network Marketing Sales Marketing Redirect Online Sales Customers Clients Blogging Blog
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Victoria Elliott

Success Manger with Redirect Mother of two and wife. 200+Clients. Helping others make recurring revenue passively so you can enjoy life. Join my successful team today

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